I’m so excited to chat with you about the world of Essential Oils and diffusing them with you today! My love for essential oils really started a few years back when I had first been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (now also Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis). My curiosity was peaked as to how this could have happened to me and wanted to explore the why and see if I could fix it.
Upon a lot of digging, and I mean A LOT, one thing I found interesting was the effects of all of the indoor air pollutions on thyroid health. Indoor toxins are everywhere!!!
- Makeup
- Lotions
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Paints
- Deodorants
- Plastics
- Tap Water
- Air Fresheners
- Candles
I was determined to start cutting down on all the toxicity for my health. Therefore, I cleaned up my makeup products (for the most part – I’m still a work in progress) and decided it was time to cut down on all of my chemical infested candles and air fresheners which I loved so dearly.
Enter my love for essential oils and pure soy candles scented with none other than essential oils.
My journey with Young Living began with their starter kit of the moment. It included the beautiful Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser for our living room, which I still have and use pretty much daily! As my passion for oils has grown so has my “collection” to a diffuser in my bedroom, office, son’s room, and I am currently waiting on an Amazon package that contains one for the kitchen.
In addition, I have a necklace and bracelet with porous beads that I can diffuse and wear whenever the mood shall strike me. (I’ve also expanded my collection of oils from Young Living to several different brands which I find to be equally as good and a lot more budget-friendly. We’ll get into that further down.)
Each night I like to luxuriate with my oils by diffusing a blend or some lavender on my nightstand and rubbing a little on the bottoms of my feet with some lotion. During the different seasons I like to drop in a festive scent, and I cannot wait to have a nice relaxing zen blend in my kitchen for when my little guy gets home from school and we are doing homework at the table.
Let’s Talk Types of Diffusers
Heat Diffuser – Works by applying heat to the essential oil which causes it to evaporate in the atmosphere. Think candle diffusers, lamp rings, and steam diffusers. They are cost-effective but not as effective for aromatherapy since the chemical compound changes when it comes in contact with the heat, therefore, diminishing the therapeutic benefits. I have one of these in my kitchen that I use purely for the scent and it is great.
Ultrasonic Diffuser – Uses water and ultrasonic vibrations to disperse molecules of the essential oil into the air through a fine mist that can be inhaled safely and effectively. It can also function as a humidifier which really sold me on this style initially. I love a multitasker!
Evaporative Diffuser – Think Reed Diffuser. These diffusers release oils into the hair by placing a drop on a cloth, cotton ball, beads on a necklace or bracelet or other porous materials that will diffuse the oil into the air as the molecules evaporate from their surfaces. These are great to use as air-fresheners and of course, the necklaces or bracelets are great to have with you if you are diffusing for stress, anxiety, etc.
Nebulizer Diffuser – Works by using an atomizer creating fine and absorbent airborne particles of essential oils and dispersing them into the air. They are typically said to be the most effective device for aromatherapy and the most expensive as well.
So why use a room diffuser?
There are so many benefits to it which is why I love them so much, but here are a few of my faves.
They Help With Sleep.
I diffuse essential oils that have relaxing properties every single night to help me create restful sleep. My diffuser runs all night long! I usually wake up at least 1-2 times a night to use the bathroom. When I lay back down I take a nice deep breath in of my lavender, chamomile, or bergamot oils that I have diffusing and it really helps me to relax back to sleep. Before using a diffuser by my bed, I would toss and turn for what seemed like hours, and sometimes WAS hours before drifting back to sleep.
Boosts Your Mood & Relieves Stress
Whenever I am feeling tense or anxious about anything I head straight for the diffuser! I put in some relaxing or calming oils like bergamot, lavender, chamomile, frankincense, or rose and then I take some deep cleansing breaths. Now I am not saying everything is going to be rainbows and butterflies once you start up the diffuser, but it definitely helps to alleviate some if not all of the tension.
Boost Immune System
Anytime someone in my household is sick, I head straight to my oils! For instance, if there is a stuffy nose, I drop in some Fighting Five Synergy blend or Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint, Lemon, Oregano, Tea Tree, or clove.
Then I rub some (with a carrier) on my “patient’s” temples, neck, feet, and chest. This helps so much while also warding off airborne germs before I catch it as well. A lot of EO’s have antibacterial and antiviral effects that protect the immune system once they are inhaled. During cold and flu season my diffusers run overtime.
Repels Insects
I still have to remember to prove this next time I have my blood work checked but I am positive that I have type O because mosquitoes LOVE me. I mean loooooooove me! Everyone around me will end up with 2 or 3 bug bites and I’m overhear rocking 15-20 or more sometimes!
It’s awful, so I love using essential oils to keep those little creeps away and I love that I am not spraying toxic chemicals on me or my loved ones. I actually make a big spray bottle full in the summer months and take it with us on bike rides, walks, etc., just in case I need a little extra touch of it. I also love that I can use it on my dogs with no harm. There are blends for tick repellants as well.
Types of Essential Oils I Use
Young Living – They own their own farms or partners with farms that live up to their standards for growing, harvesting, and distilling oils. They are a bit pricey but you can rest assured you are receiving pure essential oils that contain all desired therapeutic compounds and nothing else. If you would like to purchase some to try out feel free to use my member number 11381419 when you make your purchase and I will get a small commission. J
NOW – I love that you can find NOW brand Essential Oils in so many stores from GNC to Walmart. The convenience and price point of these is a big draw for me. I love their synergy blends they offer and I am currently diffusing Smiles For Miles as I type this in my office.
Edens Garden – I find myself ordering from here if my local health food store doesn’t have a certain scent in stock. They offer an extensive variety at a price point that fits in the budget nicely. They are also 100% oils so I feel good about my purchases.
Aura Cacia – This is the brand my health food store carries. They are also 100% pure and at a great price.
I’m sure there are many other brands out there, but these are the ones that I have experience with. Have any brands I should check out and review? Leave them in the comments below! I’d love to be your Guinee Pig. Also, as I mentioned these are just a few of the benefits that diffusing EO’s will bring into your life. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits, blends I love, the oils I use, etc., let me know in the comments down below. What are some of the ways you love to use your EO’s?
Be sure to check out my can’t live without Collagen Latte recipe!